Our full-time faculty positions are advertised in the Chronicle of Higher Education or other specialty publications.
Part-time Instructor positions are filled by via the appropriate instructional department. Inquiries should be made directly to the area in which you are interested.
Please use the link below to view job postings:
Unclassified staff (Administrative and Staff)
These positions are normally advertised in local and regional newspapers as appropriate. All unclassified positions will be listed on the LSUS website; however all applicants should apply to the posting via the link listed above.
Classified Positions or State Civil Service (Clerical, University Police, Grounds, Custodial, Skilled Crafts, Power Plant)
Positions are filled via electronic application through Civil Service LA Careers. For certain jobs within state service, the Department of Civil Service requires that applicants take a test to be eligible for hire. Information on which jobs require written tests may be found on the Louisiana Department of Civil Service web site: https://jobs.civilservice.louisiana.gov/
Classified Applicants (Testing Instructions and Information)
1. Applicants who need to take written tests:
Determine if the position you are applying for requires a written test. If so, you must apply to take the test prior to applying for the job. You must apply to take the test and and take the test prior to applying for the job. For more information please visit: https://jobs.civilservice.louisiana.gov/ . After you have taken the required test(s), you must apply to the individual job vacancies within the posting period.
2. Applicants who have already taken the required written tests:
Applicants who have already taken the required written tests should apply directly to the posting on LA Careers. All applicants must apply within the posting period.
For assistance applying online, please contact a representative in the LSUS Office of Human Resource Management at 318-797-5279.