Minors and Certifications can add color to your degree, allowing you flexibility and creativity to pursue more than one interest. Minors are only earned when the final degree is conferred, but certifications can be awarded without the 4-year degree being completed.
College of Arts and Sciences
*Advertising Design: 21 semester hours consisting of DA 210, MKT 301, and any five of the following courses: DA 315, DA 317, DA 318, MKT 305, MKT 310, and MKT 312
*Biological Sciences: 24 hours consisting of the following courses: 4 hours of BIOS 110, BIOS 110L; 4 hours of BIOS 120, BIOS 120L; 3 hours of BIOS 210; and 13 hours of BIOS electives at the 300‐ or 400‐level.
*Chemistry: 24 hours consisting of the following courses: 8 hours of CHEM 121, CHEM 121L, CHEM 124, CHEM 124L; 4 hours of CHEM 255, CHEM 255L; 8 hours of CHEM 265, CHEM 265L, CHEM 266, CHEM 266L; 4 hours of BCHM, CHEM, or ENSC at the 300‐ or 400‐level.
*Computer Science: 21 hours consisting of the following courses: 3 hours in CSC 115, ED 202, or MADM 150; plus 12 hours of CSC 135, CSC 145, CSC 242, CSC 345; plus 6 hours of CSC electives at the 300‐ or 400‐level.
*Criminal Justice: 21 hours consisting of CJ 107 plus 18 hours of CJ courses, 12 of which must be 300+.
*Digital Arts: 21 hours consisting of DA 110, DA 210, DA 220, and DA 315; plus nine hours of DA courses, six of which must be 300+.
*Electronic Media: 18 hours consisting of MCOM 151, MCOM 252, MCOM 285, MCOM 320, MCOM 381, and MCOM 455.
*Electronics: 22 hours of Physics consisting of 7 hours of PHYS 120 and PHYS 220; 6 hours of PHYS 251 and PHYS 252 or PHYS 261 and PHYS 262; and 9 hours of PHYS 320, PHYS 420, and PHYS 495.
*English: 21 hours consisting of ENGL 200, ENGL 205, ENGL 206, and ENGL 210; plus 9 hours of English courses numbered 226 and above. No more than nine hours of transfer credit may be used to satisfy these requirements. Minor checkout sheet for English.
*Foreign Languages: 18 hours consisting of 101, 102, and 201; plus 9 hours of foreign language courses, 6 of which must be 300+. Minor checkout sheet for Foreign Languages.
*History: 21 hours consisting of HIST 105, HIST 106, HIST 145, and HIST 146; plus 9 hours of History courses 300+.
*Honors Interdisciplinary Study: 18 hours consisting of HONR 101, HONR 102, HONR 201, HONR 202, HONR 395, and HONR 495.
*International Studies: 6 hours consisting of INTL 250 and Foreign Language proficiency at the 200‐level; plus 18 hours from the following courses (No more than 2 courses in a student’s major may qualify for these 18 hours and 9 of the 18 hours must be at the 300+ level.): BLAW 420. ENGL 485, ECON 460, FIN 440, FREN 205+, GEOG 105, GEOG 106, GEOG 252, GEOG 490*, HIST 251, HIST 252, HIST 385, HIST 386, HIST 414, HIST 415, HIST 424, HIST 430, HIST 431, HIST 432, HIST 433, HIST 435, HIST 440, HIST 441, HIST 446, HIST 447, INDS 101, INDS 211, MADM 360, MADM 430, MKT 440, PHIL 105, PHIL 305, PHIL 306, POLI 203, POLI 204, POLI 424, POLI 425, POLI 460, RELS 490*, SOCL 317, SOCL 460, SPAN 205+; (*490 courses must be international in context; 6 hours of LSUS Study Abroad may apply toward the minor, if appropriate; additional information is available from the International Studies advisors)
*Journalism: 18 hours consisting of MCOM 151, MCOM 313, MCOM 317, MCOM 343; plus 6 hours of additional MCOM courses.
*Legal Studies: 9 hours consisting of CJ 107, POLI 101, and POLI 151; plus 12 hours chosen from the following (9 of which must be 300+): BLAW 230, BLAW 280, BLAW 324, BLAW 332, BLAW 333, BLAW 415, BLAW 460, CJ 301, CJ 353, COMM 331, ENGL 325, POLI 211/CJ 211, POLI 411/CJ 411, POLI 425, and POLI 442.
*Life Course and Aging Studies: 9 hours consisting of KHS 312, PSYC 209, SOCL 453L*; plus 12 hours chosen from the following: BLAW 460, FIN 331, FIN 340, GEOG 490, KHS 313, KHS 390, PSYC 207**, SOCL 495, SOCL 499 (*Compressed Video from LSU; **LSU Independent Study)
*Mathematics: 21 hours consisting of the following courses: MATH 221, MATH 222, MATH 223 = 12 hours; and 9 hours of Mathematics at the 300‐level or above. Individual plans for minors must be coordinated and approved by the Chair of the Department of Mathematics.
*Nonprofit Administration: 15 hours consisting of the following courses: SOCL 192, SOCL 302, SOCL 392*, SOCL 492*, and SOCL 499; plus 6 hours chosen from the following: LEAD 201, MADM 301, MCOM 446, MKT 301 (*crosslisted as Political Science)
Undergraduate Certificate in Nonprofit Adminstration - in person or online: NPA 402, NPA 403, NPA 420, NPA 434, NPA 461, NPA 462.
Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Adminstation - online only: NPA 602, NPA 634, NPA 661, NPA 662.
*Physics: 23 hours consisting of the following courses: 11 hours of PHYS 120, PHYS 261, PHYS 261L, PHYS 262, PHYS 262L; and 12 hours of PHYS electives at the 300‐ or 400‐level.
*Political Science: 21 hours consisting of POLI 101 and POLI 151; plus 15 hours of Political Science courses, 9 of which must be 300+.
*Professional Communications: 9 hours* consisting of COMM 355 or COMM 440, ENGL 325 or ENGL 326, and CSC 111, ISDS 150, or MCOM 280; plus 12 hours** chosen from COMM 330, COMM 333, COMM 355, COMM 440, COMM 455, CSC 111***, ENGL 226, ENGL 325, ENGL 326, ENGL 328, ENGL 499, ISDS 150***, MADM 210, MADM 301, MADM 321, MADM 430, MCOM 280, MCOM 313, MCOM 343, MCOM 475, MKT 330 (*courses taken for core credit cannot be taken for elective credit, **from at least two departments, ***students cannot take both CSC 111 and ISDS 150).
*Public History: 21 hours consisting of HIST 145, HIST 146, HIST 271, HIST 399, HIST 475, HIST 476, and HIST 495.
*Public Relations: 18 hours consisting of MCOM 151, MCOM 210, MCOM 313, MCOM 320, MCOM 411, and MCOM 480.
*Public Safety Administration: 6 hours consisting of CJ 107 and POLI 151; plus 9 hours chosen from CJ 331, POLI 201, POLI 306, and POLI 307; plus 6 hours chosen from CJ 252, CJ 254, CJ 303, CJ 306, CJ 435, CJ 445, POLI 434 (Any core or elective courses above the 100‐level that would be required for the student’s major cannot also count toward the 21‐hour requirement for this minor, but would have to be supplemented by the additional core or elective courses listed here.).
*Social Welfare: 18 hours consisting of SW 106, SW 280, SW 322, SW 360, SOCL 330, and PSYC 216.
*Sociology: 21 hours consisting of SOCL 142 and SOCL 105 or SOCL 107; plus 15 hours of Sociology courses, 9 of which must be 300+.
*Speech: 18 hours consisting of COMM 135, COMM 295, COMM 355; plus 9 hours of COMM courses, 6 of which must be 300+.
*Theatre: 18 hours consisting of THEA 160, THEA 240 or THEA 241, THEA 261, THEA 361, THEA 470, and THEA 497.
College of Business
*Business: 24 hours consisting of ACCT 205, ACCT 206, ECON 201, ECON 202, MATH 260 (or equivalent), MADM 301, MKT 301, and FIN 301. The minimum GPA for this minor is 2.0.
*Economics: 6 hours consisting of ECON 201 and ECON 202; plus 12 additional hours of Economics at the 300+ level. 3 hours of Finance at the 300+ level may be included.
Business Certifications Offered
Certificate in Business Fundamentals
Certificate in Business Law
Certificate in Small Business Management
College of Education and Human Development
*Leadership Education and Development: 12 credit hours consisting of LDSH 101, LDSH 202, LDSH 303, LDSH 405; plus 9 credit hours of approved electives, where at least three credit hours are 300‐level or above, as approved by the Leadership Studies department chair.
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling: COUN 740, COUN 741, COUN742, COUN 743 (PAUSED FOR SPRING AND SUMMER 2025 - Read more here.)
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Physiology: KHS 725, KHS 726, KHS 728, KHS 729