1.01.01 |
Policy Manual |
1.02.01 |
Use of University Funds For Entertainment |
1.03.04 |
Emergency Communication Plan |
1.05.03 |
Use of University Facilities and Premises |
1.06.01 |
Use of Health and Physical Education Building, Tennis Courts and Athletic Fields |
1.07.01 |
Campus Fundraising |
1.07.03 |
Solicitation and Receipt of Gifts |
1.08.02 |
Planning and Evaluation |
1.09.01 |
Evaluation of Administration and Administrative Services |
1.12.00 |
Procedure for Raising and Lowering the United States Flag |
1.13.01 |
Administrative Appointments |
1.14.00 |
Establishment of Naming Opportunities for Buildings and Portions Thereof Specific Gift Naming Opportunities |
1.15.03 |
Outstanding Service Awards |
1.16.00 |
Unclassified, Fiscal Employees: Certification of Work |
1.17.04 |
Computer Access and Usage |
1.18.00 |
LSUS World Wide Web Publication Policy |
1.19.00 |
Violence in the Workplace |
1.20.00 |
Return to Work Policy for Workers on Worker's Compensation |
1.21.00 |
Records and Archives |
1.22.00 |
Athletic Council |
1.23.01 |
Planning Council |
1.24.00 |
Americans with Disabilities Act |
1.25.00 |
Posting |
2.01.07 |
Faculty Promotion, Tenure and Retention |
2.02.01 |
Environmental Control in the Classroom |
2.03.02 |
Research |
2.04.03 |
Evaluation of Instruction by Students |
2.05.02 |
Public Service and Continuing Education Programs |
2.06.00 |
Library Circulation |
2.07.05 |
Faculty Research and Development Grants |
2.08.03 |
Evaluation of Academic Administration |
2.09.00 |
Policies and Procedures For Dealing With Allegations of Misconduct in Science (Research Fraud) |
2.10.01 |
Research, Grants Inducement Funds, and Indirect Cost Redistribution |
2.11.02 |
Department Chairs |
2.12.00 |
Procedures for Awarding Honorary Degrees at LSU-S |
2.13.00 |
Allocation from Salary Savings from University Grants and Contracts |
2.14.01 |
LSUS Sexual Harassment Policy |
2.15.01 |
Faculty Grievance Procedure |
2.16.01 |
Faculty Recruitment |
2.17.01 |
Administration of Endowed Programs |
2.18.01 |
Faculty Review and Development |
2.19.02 |
Faculty Due Process |
2.21.01 |
Study Week |
2.22.00 |
Awarding of Posthumous Degrees |
2.23.00 |
Student Class Attendance |
2.24.01 |
Substantive Change Policy |
2.25.01 |
Program Cancellation |
2.26.02 |
Undergraduate Academic Program Coordinators |
2.27.00 |
Faculty Credentials |
2.28.01 |
Graduate Program Directors |
2.29.00 |
Definition of Credit Hour |
2.30.00 |
Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research |
2.31.01 |
Institutional Review Board |
2.32.00 |
Outstanding Faculty Awards |
2.33.04 |
Guidelines for LSUS Faculty Compensation |
2.34.00 |
Representation of LSUS to Accrediting Agencies and Notification of Accreditation Status Changes |
2.36.00 |
2.37.00 |
Animal Care and Use Committee
3.01.01 |
Nepotism |
3.02.02 |
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity |
3.03.00 |
Grievance Procedures for Classified and Unclassified Staff |
3.04.01 |
Leave Guidelines |
Part One: Academic and Unclassified Employees |
Part Two: Classified Employees |
3.05.01 |
Processing Personnel Actions |
3.06.02 |
Mandatory Retirement of Academic and Nonacademic Employees and Employment of Retired Personnel |
3.07.02 |
Traffic Regulations and Parking and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee |
3.09.01 |
Serving and Consumption of Food and Beverages on LSU in Shreveport Campus |
3.10.00 |
Exception to PM-8 Requiring Full-time Enrollment for Student Employment |
3.11.02 |
Refund of Tuition and Fees |
3.12.00 |
Endowments -- Reinvestments in the Future |
3.13.00 |
Purchase of Computers and Similar Technology with University-Wide Funds |
3.15.00 |
Student Employment |
3.17.00 |
Recoupment of Overpayments |
3.18.01 |
Database Security Breach Notification |
3.19.00 |
Pre-Employment Screening |
3.20.01 |
Rewards and Recognition Certification Program |
3.21.01 |
Email Policy Statement |
3.22.00 |
Identity Theft Prevention Program |
3.23.00 |
Cell Phone Policy |
3.24.00 |
Annual Ethics Training for all Full Time and Part Time Employees |
3.25.00 |
Insurance Requirements for Facility Usage |
3.26.00 |
Staff Performance Evaluations |
3.27.01 |
Tobacco-Free Campus |
3.28.00 |
Guidelines for Reimbursement of Expenses for Prospective Students with Special Talents |
3.29.00 |
Sponsorship of International Employees |
3.30.00 |
VPN Acceptable Use Policy |
3.31.00 |
Financial Holds on Student Accounts with Past Due Balances |
3.32.00 |
Serving, Possessing, and Consuming of Alcoholic Beverages |
3.33.00 |
Breastfeeding Policy |
3.34.00 |
Cash-handling Policy |
3.35.00 |
University Animal Policy |
3.36.00 |
Staff Senate Support Scholarship |
4.04.02 |
Students with Disabilities |
4.06.00 |
Student Fee Exemptions Deadline |
4.10.00 |
Student Organizations |
4.11.01 |
Communication with Students |
4.13.02 |
Speech and Demonstration Regulations |
4.14.01 |
Student Threat Assessment Team |
4.15.00 |
Missing Residential Student Policy and Procedures |
4.17.01 |
Student Complaints |
5.00.01 |
Internal and External Communications |
5.02.00 |
Social Media Policy |
6.01.03 |
General Safety |
6.02.03 |
Drug-Free Workplace and Drug Testing Policy, etc. |
6.03.01 |
Property Control and Purchasing |
6.04.00 |
Inspection Policy |
6.05.00 |
JSAs |
6.06.03 |
Blood-Borne Pathogen |
6.07.01 |
First Aid |
6.08.02 |
Hazard Communication and Chemical Safety Program |
6.10.00 |
Bonds, Crime, & Property |
6.11.00 |
Key Control |
6.12.00 |
Equipment Management |
6.13.00 |
Authorized Driver Program |
6.14.00 |
Boiler Program |
6.15.00 |
Elevator Policy |
6.16.00 |
Confined Spaces |
6.17.00 |
Water Vessel Safety |
6.18.00 |
Lock Out/Tag Program |
7.01.00 |
Guidelines for Refund for Tuition Assistance for Military Personnel |
7.02.00 |
Administration of Student Scholarships and Exemptions |
7.03.00 |
Criminal History Policy |
7.04.00 |
Awarding of LSUS Scholarships to Entering Freshman and Transfer Students |
7.05.00 |
Access and Release of Student Records |
7.06.00 |
Student Immunization Records |
7.07.00 |
Distance Learning |
7.08.00 |
Verification of Student Identity in Distance Education |
7.09.00 |
Privacy of Educational Records |