Family support can play a key role in any student’s academic success. Students coming directly to LSUS from high school may encounter challenges beyond the academic rigor of their classes as they explore their new adult independence. Non-traditional students may feel anxious about their decision to return to school or their ability to reach their goals.
As parents, spouses, partners, or children, you can assist your college students by providing a supportive community while respecting boundaries. Listen to their concerns and express support, while allowing them to adjust to their new learning environment and discover their own solutions to problems.
Here are some ways in which you can support your student:
- Make school a priority: provide your resident student with a dedicated study area and respect his or her need to devote time to study.
- Encourage your student to remain in close contact with his or her instructors and academic advisor.
- Encourage your student to ask for help sooner rather than later. Talking about a problem with an instructor or academic advisor is far more likely to lead to positive resolution than struggling with it alone.
- Become familiar with the resources that LSUS provides. This will allow you to make useful suggestions if your student comes to you with specific questions. Here are some of the resources you should know about:
- The Student Success Center offers one-on-one tuition to students who want additional help writing assignments.
- The Noel Memorial Library provides a place to study, as well as online and physical research resources. If your family situation makes study at home impossible, your college student might appreciate the quiet environment of the library.
- Information about how academic performance affects financial aid is available on this website.