As a parent or guardian, you probably have some questions about college life at LSU Shreveport. Is it safe? How much will this cost? Will they be receiving a top-notch education? What are there options after graduation?

We get it.

Below we've provided some FAQs that may help answer some of your questions. We've also provided some helpful links to pages that can help you locate more info or connect you with real humans that can answer your questions.

At LSUS, we want you to feel confident that your child is getting a quality education and setting themselves up for success in their adult lives and future careers. 

Helpful Links  

Admission Requirements

Find out if your student meets the qualifications to become an LSUS Pilot!

Office of Financial Aid

Learn more about financial aid options at LSU Shreveport to help you afford a world-class education for your student.


With institutional scholarships and LSUS Foundation and Noel Foundation scholarships available, your student could potentially graduation debt-free!

Disability Services

We want to ensure the correct educational options for all students. Our Disability Services office can help your student fina accomodations that work for them.

LSUS Directory

Find phone numbers and email addresses for faculty and staff.

Dean of Students

Dr. Paula Atkins, the LSUS Dean of Students, is responsible for ensuring the academic integrity of our students, as well as their health and wellbeing.

Safety/Campus Police

LSUS is a very safe campus with round the clock law enforcement presence from friendly, experienced officers.


Did you know your student's financial aid can be used to pay for housing at Pilots Pointe Apartments?

Food Services

Financial aid and PilotCash allow students to utilize the vending machines, Port Grille, Stacks and other food options on campus.

LSUS adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. You can read more about our committment here.

Results of the student's ACT scores determine placement in English and Math courses. ACT scores are the most objective and accurate measure available to predict a student's performance in college classes, such as English and Math. These scores are carefully reviewed in light of the student's previous educational experience and desired college curriculum.

The cost of attending LSUS (tuition and fees) is based upon a number of factors, such as residency status and the number of hours a student is enrolling. A full schedule of fees is found on the Tuition and Fees page.

All financial aid decisions are based upon the results of the Federal Application for Free Student Aid (FAFSA). Information regarding this process is available at the LSUS Financial Aid Office. The FAFSA form is completed online. For more information, contact the LSUS Financial Aid Office in-person in the administration building office 159 or by phone at 797-5363.

LSUS offers a variety of assistance for students with disabilities, whether a learning, physical, psychological, or sensory impairment. The student must contact the Disability Services Coordinator, who coordinates any accommodation on campus. The student will participate in a brief interview, provide documentation of the disabling condition and, if determined eligible for services, assist the coordinator in developing the most appropriate accommodations. For more information, visit the Disability Services page for more information.

Only your student can provide you with this information. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA, also known as the Buckley Amendment) is a federal law that provides guidelines for educational institutions regarding protection and release of student education record information. This law states that the right to inspect an educational record is limited solely to the student; parents have no inherent rights to inspect the educational record. 

Family support can play a key role in any student’s academic success. Students coming directly to LSUS from high school may encounter challenges beyond the academic rigor of their classes as they explore their new adult independence. Non-traditional students may feel anxious about their decision to return to school or their ability to reach their goals.

As parents, spouses, partners, or children, you can assist your college students by providing a supportive community while respecting boundaries. Listen to their concerns and express support, while allowing them to adjust to their new learning environment and discover their own solutions to problems.

Here are some ways in which you can support your student:

  1. Make school a priority: provide your resident student with a dedicated study area and respect his or her need to devote time to study.
  2. Encourage your student to remain in close contact with his or her instructors and academic advisor.
  3. Encourage your student to ask for help sooner rather than later. Talking about a problem with an instructor or academic advisor is far more likely to lead to positive resolution than struggling with it alone.
  4. Become familiar with the resources that LSUS provides. This will allow you to make useful suggestions if your student comes to you with specific questions. Here are some of the resources you should know about:
    • The  Student Success Center offers one-on-one tuition to students who want additional help writing assignments.
    • The  Noel Memorial Library provides a place to study, as well as online and physical research resources. If your family situation makes study at home impossible, your college student might appreciate the quiet environment of the library.
    • Information about how academic performance affects  financial aid  is available on this website.