LSUS is committed to community well-being and belonging. Each of us has the responsibility to act when an issue or concern arises. The reporting forms below serve a vital purpose in creating a campus culture of caring at LSUS. By taking the time to complete the form and make concerns known, members of our community are making an important contribution to students’ academic success. If you are aware of a student who needs assistance, please complete and submit one of the Incident Reporting Forms below. Please call the Dean of Students at 318-797-5116 if you have questions.

NOTE: This is not a system to use for emergencies. In case of an emergency, regardless of time of day, where someone’s health, safety and/or property is in jeopardy, please contact University Police at 318-797-5082 or 318-455-5497 (after hours cell).

yellow background graphic with words "see it, hear it, report it"

Dean of Students

> Academic Intervention Report

Use this form to report issues or behavior concerning poor or struggling academic performance, including, but not limited to, excessive absences/tardiness, poor grades despite effort, not following directions, difficulty with organization, etc. This form is not for academic misconduct.

> Academic Misconduct Report

Use this form for alleged academic violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Examples of academic misconduct include unauthorized collaborations, collusion, copying, failure to follow course requirements, plagiarism, and utilizing unauthorized resources.

> Behavioral Misconduct Report

Use this form for alleged behavioral violations of the Code of Student Conduct. The report can be made about an individual or a recognized student organization. Incidents include, but are not limited to, alcohol misuse, disorderly conduct, drug use, violations of Pilots Pointe or other campus policy, disruptive behavior, or vandalism.

> Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Report

Use this form to report alleged violations of discrimination and sexual harassment. 

> Hazing Report

Use this form to report alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct for any action intentionally taken to cause embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule and risks emotional and/or physical harm to members of a group or team.

> Sexual Misconduct Report

Use this form to report alleged violations of PM-73: Title IX Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct, including but not limited to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, stalking, etc.

> Student of Concern

Use this form to report issues or behaviors concerning the well-being of a student that are perceived to be harmful, worrisome, or threatening to self/others or when there are concerns related to their personal (e.g., food or housing insecurity), physical or emotional well-being.

> Student Grievance

Students use this form to file a formal, written complaint regarding any campus service, co-curricular activity, academic experience, or campus incident. Appeals (including grade appeals) are not submitted with this form. Rather appeals follow procedures outlined in the relevant sections of the Student Handbook and/or LSUS Catalog.