Chemistry and Physics
Arts & Sciences
Start Year at LSUS
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SC 332
Curriculum Vitae


Elizabeth M. Zippi, the Interim Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics, is a Professor of Organic and Polymer Chemistry in her 29th year at Louisiana State University in Shreveport. She received a B.S. in Chemistry and a Minor in Mathematics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and has held two post-doctoral appointments at the University of California’s Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, one at the National Tritium Labeling Facility under the advisement of Nobel Laureate Professor Melvin Calvin and another at the Center for Functional Imaging. Dr. Zippi also holds a Certificate in Catholic Studies with a Concentration in Scripture from the Greco Institute in Shreveport, LA. She serves as Secretary of the Northwest Louisiana American Chemical Society and on a number of other committees and organizations on campus and in the community. Her research interests are in the areas of Radiopharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals. She is the author of 25 publications with close to 50 abstracts and presentations to her name, and her research has been presented in 6 countries. Dr. Zippi’s "claim to fame" at LSUS is that she was the first faculty member to receive Outstanding Faculty Awards in each of the three areas of Teaching, Research, and Service. Her greatest personal achievement is raising her son successfully on her own.


Research Interests

Dr. Zippi's research interests are in the areas of Radiopharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals. She is the author of 25 publications with close to 50 abstracts and presentations to her name, and her research has been presented in 6 countries. Her current work is related to the extraction and analysis of the essential oils found in rosemary.

Selected Publications

1. "Sulfonation Methods for Poly(Styrene/Divinylbenzene) Beads," Zippi, E.M.; Cheek, H.C.; May, R.; Morgan, R.: Kamperman, E.; Tibbets, C. and Crews, D. J. Undergrad. Chem. Res., 2005, 4:2, 43.

2. "Preparation of a Carbon-13 Target Material from C-13-Benzene," Zippi, E.M. and Pilcher, A. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry, Turku, Finland, May 2002, 78.

3. "Synthesis of 13C-Labelled Cinnamonitrile," Zippi, E.M. and Kamperman, E. J. Labelled Compds. and Radiopharm., 2002, 45, 103.

4. "Synthesis of [13C6]Styrene," Zippi, E.M. J. Labelled Compds. and Radiopharm., 2001, 44, 757.

5. "Synthesis, Characterization and Pyrolysis of Poly(Styrene) Derivatives," Zippi, E.M. and Kabalka, G.W. Carbon, 1996, 34, 1539.

6. "Functionalization of Cross-linked Poly(Styrene) in the Preparation of a PET Target Material," Zippi, E.M., Grover, J., Valiulis, M.B., Tibbets, C. and Kabalka, G.W. Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 1996, 47, 513.

7. "Preparation and Use of Lithium Tritide and Lithium Trimethoxyborotritide," Zippi, E.M., Andres, H., Morimoto, H. and Williams P.G. Synth. Commun., 1995, 25:17, 2685.

Teaching Assignments

CHEM 121, 121L, 124, 290, 265, 265L, 266, 266L, 303, 304, 430, and 490.

CHEM 456L, 467, and BCHM 722 are team-taught.

Office Hours

Posted on office door.

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