Leaders from nonprofit organizations in the Shreveport/Bossier region are encouraged to APPLY to the 2023 Nonprofit Capacity Building Cohort offered by the Institute for Nonprofit Administration and Research and the Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits. The cohort is funded by the generous support of the Carolyn W. and Charles T. Beaird Family Foundation and will be FREE to participants.
Capacity Building Cohort members will attend nonprofit professional development workshops once a week on the LSUS campus from February through June 2023. Cohort members will be matched with a mentor, who is an experienced nonprofit leader who will provide oversight and feedback during the capacity-building project. Types of capacity-building projects include (but not limited to) financial sustainability, employment manuals, volunteer recruitment and management policies, marketing and social media, board development, and/or activities that enhance the organization’s operations.
Cohort members will also receive a one-year membership in the Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits and present their completed Capacity Building project to the cohort in November 2023.
"Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits is so excited to partner with INAR to present this program that we believe will be transformative for the participants' organizations." Jill Roshto, Executive Director of the Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits.
Applications to participate in this program are due January 31 and can be found at www.lsus.edu/inar. Leaders interested in serving as mentors may also apply. Cohort members will be selected by a committee based on their application, organizational size, and the capacity issue they would like to address in this program.
LSUS Institute for Nonprofit Administration and Research (INAR) was founded in 2001 to conduct research and disseminate knowledge about nonprofit organizations. INAR strives to elevate the future of the nonprofit sector through transformative education, impactful research, and professional development. INAR is housed in the College of Arts and Sciences at Louisiana State University Shreveport. For more information, please visit https://www.lsus.edu/community/institute-for-nonprofit-administration-and-research.
The Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits works to educate, engage, and empower the nonprofit community for a stronger Louisiana. We seek to educate the nonprofit sector by offering trainings in these core competencies: Financial Management, Human Resources, Disaster Preparedness, Communications, and Governance. We seek to engage nonprofits by fostering an environment of cooperation and collaboration to reduce duplication of services and resources and encourage the sharing of knowledge, experience, and lessons learned. We also seek to empower nonprofits by providing weekly public policy updates and communications from the National Council of Nonprofit Organizations so that they are informed on relevant state and national issues. For more information, please visit https://louisiananonprofits.org/