Education and Human Development
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Curriculum Vitae


Nelson Coulter has held a lot of titles: rancher, educator, author, musician, entrepreneur, coach, mentor, consultant, and professor. He has coached, taught, and been published in many settings. He has served in public schools of all shapes, sizes, and contexts.  He currently serves as Assistant Professor of Professional Practice at Louisiana State University - Shreveport. His most cherished titles, however, are the ones not attached to career identity: son, husband, dad, and granddad.


Research Interests

> Leadership in Organizations
> High Impact Instructional Practices
> Organizational Communications
> Individual/Organizational Health and Wellbeing

Selected Publications

2011 – present:  Author of nc’s Recursive Learning (my blog) at

2024:  Authored “HABITS that Foster a Culture of Learning” in the The TASSP Texas Study of Secondary Education, Fall/Winter 2024.

2022:  Authored “TRUST: The Currency of Leadership” in the The TASSP Texas Study of Secondary Education, Fall/Winter 2022.

2022:  Author of The Leader’s Guide to Culture Shaping: How to Move the Organizations We Lead Toward the Futures We Envision (my third book)

2021:  Authored reprinted article “Listening and Questioning: The Dynamic Duo of the Principal’s Tool Box.” The TASSP Texas Study 30(2), Spring/Summer 2021.

2020:  Authored “PD-Gogy:  Rethinking and Reframing How We Do Professional Development” in the The TASSP Texas Study of Secondary Education, Spring 2020.

2018:  Co-authored (with K. Alexander, G. Briers, & G. Shinn) “BOLDness Required: An Invitation to Action for Rural Schools” in The TASA INSIGHT, Spring 2018.

2017:  Authored “Not Communicating is NOT an Option” in The TASSP Texas Study, January 2017.

2016:  Author of Praxical Leadership (my second book)

2012:  Authored “A Tale of an Absurd Accountability System” in The Paducah Post.

2010:  Authored “Learning Servant Leadership from a Master” in The TASA INSIGHT.

2010:  Author of Leadership Tools for School Principals: Organizational Strategies for Survival and Success (my first book)

2007:  Authored “Listening and Questioning” in The TASSP Texas Study, Spring 2007.

2006:  Authored The Development and Initial Testing of a Model of Student Leadership in High Schools: An Exploratory Study (my dissertation).

Teaching Assignments

> Educational Leadership
> Curriculum and Instruction
> Adult Education

Office Hours

3:00pm-5:00pm, Monday-Friday

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