Code of Student Conduct


(Adapted from the LSU A & M Code of Student Conduct)

Effective February 6, 2023

The LSUS Commitment to Community provides guiding principles to the University community. Students are encouraged to exemplify the Commitment to Community in their daily lives. LSUS is an interactive community in which Students, faculty, and staff together strive to pursue truth, advance learning, and uphold the highest standards of performance in academic, social, and social media environments. The campus community fosters individual development and the creation of bonds that transcend the time spent within its boundaries.

 To demonstrate my pride in LSUS, as a member of its community, I will: 

  • accept responsibility for my actions; 
  • hold myself and others to the highest standards of academic, personal, and social integrity; 
  • practice justice, equality, and compassion in human relations; 
  • respect the dignity of all persons and accept individual differences; 
  • respect the environment and the rights and property of others and the University; 
  • contribute positively to the life of the campus and surrounding community; and 
  • use my LSUS experience to be an active citizen in an international and interdependent world. 

The continued success of LSUS depends on the faithful commitment by each community member to these, our basic principles.

Application of this Code shall be based on the principle of equitable treatment, including but not limited to: race, creed, color, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.

The University has the legal right to establish standards for academic and personal conduct for continued membership in the University community, to deny membership to those who do not meet these standards, and to impose outcomes and discipline on any Student or Registered Student Organization (RSO) who is found in violation of these standards.

The University has charged the Dean of Students Office with the responsibility for administering this Code of Student Conduct (the “Code”). The Dean of Students Office generally cannot make public comment on any individual’s case, as per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). However, in limited circumstances, as required or allowed by law, information relative to certain incidents and case statistics may be disclosed.

The University Hearing Panel (UHP) will initiate periodic reviews of this Code. The Code may be amended at any time by majority vote of the UHP, subject to approval by the Chancellor. The Coordinator for Community Standards may make minor, non-substantive revisions to the Code for approval by the Dean of Students.

All Students and RSOs are bound by this Code, the Bylaws and Regulations of the Board of Supervisors, University Policy Statements and Permanent Memoranda. Any Student or RSO found in violation of the aforementioned policies may be held accountable and be subject to the Accountability process outlined in this Code. The Code can be found online at

Additionally, faculty and staff are required to follow the procedures outlined in this Code when they become aware of behavior that may violate the standards of this Code.

The purpose of the Code is to engage Students on issues of community membership, encourage responsible decision making, safeguard the health and welfare of all members of the University community, protect University property, and promote academic integrity including class attendance.

The Code is the University's document governing Student and RSO conduct and the Accountability process. All discipline imposed upon a Student or RSO must be in accordance with the provisions of this Code, PM-73, or professional and/or ethical requirements of a particular program. 

The procedures for addressing and resolving allegations of sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination, including sexual misconduct (e.g. sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation, retaliation, etc.) are addressed by the Director of Civil Rights and Title IX through PM-73.  You can visit the Title IX & Sexual Misconduct website for additional information, including information regarding PM-73 at

A Student’s failure to adhere to any professional and/or ethical requirements of a particular program may be considered and addressed pursuant to written program guidelines or requirements. To the extent the conduct at issue may also constitute a violation of this Code, faculty and staff must refer the matter to the Dean of Students Office. 

The Dean of Students may delegate its authority over potential Behavioral Misconduct violations by residents of University housing to the Director of Residential Life for resolution through its accountability process using the standards set forth in this Code. Incidents in University housing that could result in a student being separated, either temporarily or permanently, from the University will be referred to the Dean of Students Office.

Student safety is of utmost importance to the University. To encourage Students to make responsible decisions, the University recognizes the need for amnesty from University sanctions in certain situations. Amnesty under this policy, when granted, excuses a Student or RSO from University sanctions under the Code. Amnesty is intended to promote action when an emergency situation is present. It is not intended to excuse any student or organization causing the emergency situation or unsafe condition.  The decision to grant amnesty will be determined by the Dean of Students on a case-by-case basis. 

Amnesty, under this policy, is limited to violations of the Code and has no bearing on actions taken by any law enforcement agency, including LSUS Police. To qualify for amnesty, a Student or RSO is encouraged to: 

  • report any incident or medical emergency by contacting the appropriate University officials, including law enforcement, LSUS Police or 9-1-1, when appropriate,
  • remain with any student needing attention or emergency treatment,
  • cooperate with University or emergency officials,
  • coordinate with University officials after the incident, and
  • cooperate with any University 

Medical Amnesty. The University recognizes the need for emergency response amnesty (“Medical Amnesty”) in certain alcohol, drug, physical, and emotional distress related emergencies and situations. Medical Amnesty may be available in the following situations: 

  • a Student seeking medical attention for themselves
  • a Student seeking medical attention on behalf of another Student
  • an RSO seeking medical attention for a Student 

Medical Amnesty will not be granted for other policy violations (outside of alcohol and drug related violations) that may have occurred during the incident. In order to qualify for Medical Amnesty, the Student or RSO must comply with University requests for an educational conversation, assessment, and any potential referrals for additional services or treatment and/or outcomes to address the behavior. 

Non-Medical Amnesty. The University recognizes the need for amnesty in certain behavioral situations which do not require immediate emergency medical response (“Non-Medical Amnesty”). In order to qualify for Non-Medical Amnesty, the Student and/or RSO must notify the University of the specific concerns in advance of the University having knowledge of the incident for which Non-Medical Amnesty is sought. In order to qualify for Non-Medical Amnesty, the Student or RSO must agree to comply with appropriate educational outcomes to address the behavior. 

Non-Medical Amnesty is also available to a Student or RSO who proactively seeks clarification of University rules prior to engaging in questionable conduct.

The listed terms and phrases are defined as follows: 

4.1 Academic Misconduct

Those violations detailed in the Code that are specific to Academic Student behavior. Certain conduct may constitute both Academic and Behavioral Misconduct. 

4.2 Accountability Outcome 

The Accountability Outcome, or Outcome, identifies an Accountability resolution and any requirements, restrictions, or change in Student status that have been assigned to the Student by the Dean of Students or University Hearing Panel (UHP). 

4.3 Administrative Conference/Hearing 

An opportunity for a Respondent to address the allegations and charges with a Hearing Officer. 

4.4 Administrative Outreach 

A letter sent to a Student outlining a possible infraction(s) and steps on how to remedy the situation.


4.5 Advisor 

An individual that provides support, guidance, and advice to the Student or RSO during any Accountability meeting or procedure. An Advisor may not have personal involvement regarding any facts or circumstances of the allegation. 

4.6 Behavioral Misconduct 

Those violations detailed in the Code that are specific to non-Academic Student behavior. Certain conduct may constitute both Academic and Behavioral Misconduct. 

4.7 Campus 

Campus includes all land, buildings, property, and facilities in the possession of, owned by, used by, or controlled by the University, regardless of contiguity or proximity. This includes land leased to others, property owned, managed or maintained by the University, and all streets, alleys, sidewalks, and public ways adjacent to any land of the University or the land upon which housing is located even if the housing is not owned by the University. 

4.8 Case Manager 

The person assigned by the Dean of Students to oversee and implement provisions of this Code. 

4.9 Complainant 

A person who believes they have been subjected to Endangerment, Harassment, Hazing, Offensive Behavior, Retaliation, or Unauthorized Surveillance. 

4.10 Dean (Academic) 

The person holding this position within the University and who is responsible under this Code to review and respond to appeals. A Dean may delegate the authority to perform any of the duties assigned to them in this Code. 

4.11 Dean of Students

The person holding this position within the University. The Dean of Students may delegate the authority to perform any of the duties assigned to the Dean of Students in this Code. To the extent necessary, the Dean may decide any question related to interpretation or application of this Code. 

4.12 Dean of Students Office 

The Dean of Students Office is the office and staff responsible for the implementation and administration of the Code. The Dean of Students Office also provides procedural information and support to a Respondent and/or Complainant before and after an Administrative Conference/Hearing or University Hearing Panel. 

4.13 Educational Conference 

Educational meeting between a Student and a Case Manager regarding potential violations of the Code of Student Conduct. 

4.14 Hearing Officer 

An individual who adjudicates a case resolved through an Administrative Conference/Hearing. 

4.15 Impact Statement 

An impact statement is an oral or written statement provided by a Complainant detailing the impact of a violation toward them. 

4.16 Instructor 

Any Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Adjunct Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Teaching Assistant, or other professional charged with oversight of a lab, class, section, or course for academic credit at the University. 

4.17 Material Observer 

A person who has knowledge of facts or circumstances pertaining to an alleged violation. 

4.18 Not Responsible 

The finding that indicates a Student or RSO is not in violation of the Code. 

4.19 Notice of Charges 

The written notice sent to a Student or RSO of the allegations and corresponding Code sections to be addressed. 

4.20 Notice of Outcome(s) 

The written notice of the determination of an Administrative hearing sent to a Student or RSO. 

4.21 Referral 

A written complaint against a Student or Registered Student Organization forwarded to the Dean of Students Office. A referral may be submitted by any individual(s). Anonymous referrals may be considered at the discretion of the Dean of Students. 

4.22 Registered Student Organization (RSO) 

An organization that has fulfilled all the requirements established by the University for official recognition. 

4.23 Reporting Party 

An individual who submits a Referral against a Student or RSO alleging misconduct under the Code. 

4.24 Responsible 

The finding or acknowledgment that indicates a Student or RSO is in violation of the Code. 

4.25 Respondent 

A Student or RSO who has received notice of allegations detailing a potential violation of the Code, contract, Bylaws and Regulations of the Board of Supervisors, Policy Statement, or Permanent Memoranda of the University. 

4.26 RSO Action 

Any action by one or more that tends to indicate or which may lead others to reasonably believe that the action was an official act of a specific RSO. A finding of an RSO Action is determined on a case-by-case basis but may be based on the use of signs, symbols or phrases; the use of specific practices or rituals; the posting on affiliated social media; or membership-related discussions.

4.27 Social Media 

For the purposes of this Code, understood to include blogs, wikis, microblogs, message boards, chat room, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and other sites and services that permit user to share information with others on the internet. Examples of social media include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, Twitter, YikYak and GroupMe. 

4.28 Student 

For the purpose of this Code, any person admitted to LSUS or enrolled or scheduled to be enrolled in a course  through LSUS. This definition includes any person attempting to fulfill requirements for a  non-credit course, academic credit through LSUS or auditing a course, even if not currently enrolled. This definition also includes high school students enrolled in post-secondary coursework at LSUS. 

4.29 University or LSUS 

University or LSUS refers to LSU Shreveport.


4.30 University Hearing Panel (UHP) 

A group of individuals with responsibility under this Code to adjudicate a case referred by the Dean of Students Office. 

4.31 Written Communication 

Written correspondence generated by the Dean of Students Office, including but not limited to email. Any correspondence sent to a Student’s University-issued email address shall constitute actual notice under this Code.

The Code applies to conduct that occurs on the Campus, at LSUS-sponsored activities, and/or when the Student or RSO is representing LSUS. The Dean of Students shall have discretion to extend jurisdiction over conduct that occurs off campus when the conduct adversely and significantly affects the learning environment or University community and would be in violation of the Code if the conduct had occurred on campus. In determining whether or not to extend jurisdiction, the Dean of Students may consider its ability to gather information. The Dean of Students may extend jurisdiction if the alleged conduct: 

  1. Involves violence or produced a reasonable fear of physical harm; and/or
  2. Involves any members of the University community or any academic work, records, documents, or property of the

Each Student is responsible for conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree, though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment and even if the conduct is not discovered until after a degree is awarded.

Proceedings may be instituted against a Student or RSO charged with conduct that potentially violates both the law and the Code without regard to the status of any civil, criminal or other proceedings.

Proceedings under this Code may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following any civil or criminal proceedings.

A Charged Student or RSO has the following rights: 

  1. To the presumption of innocence. A Charged Student or RSO may not be deemed guilty of a violation until the Charged Student or RSO formally acknowledges responsibility or at the conclusion of the Accountability Process.
  2. To receive a Notice of Charges through Written Communication of any specific allegation and Charge(s). 
  3. To be provided a reasonable amount of time to respond to the Notice of Charges. 
  4. To refuse to comment or answer 
  5. To present information and/or any Material 
  6. To have an Accountability Outcome imposed that is commensurate with the 
  7. To be assisted by an Advisor in accordance with Section 6.6  
  8. To retain rights as a Student or RSO until a final decision is issued by the hearing officer or by the UHP if requested. However, a Student or RSO may be subject to an Interim Suspension, limitations, or conditions as set forth in this 

A Charged Student or RSO has the following responsibilities: 

  1. To be honest
  2. To attend an appointment with the Case Manager on a specified date, time, and location. 
  3. To attend an Accountability Meeting scheduled by the Dean of Students Office if included in the Notification

A Charged Student or RSO has the following rights and responsibilities before and during a UHP hearing: 

  1. To have personal information kept private to the extent allowed by law. The UHP is private.
  2. To appeal any UHP Outcome as detailed in this
  3. To schedule a time prior to the UHP hearing to inspect and review the information on which a Charge is based.
  4. To receive a list of all Material Observers to be called by the University at least one business day prior to a However, a UHP may continue the proceedings to allow the University to identify any Material Observer to rebut any information presented by the Charged Student.
  5. To request that any member of a UHP be excluded for good cause clearly established by the Charged Student or RSO. The charged student or RSO must make the request five days prior to the UHP. The decision to exclude any UHP member shall be at the sole discretion of the Dean of Students.
  6. To present information or any Material Observer in defense of a Charge per the procedures outlined in this Code.
  7. To conduct reasonable questioning of the Material Observer appearing at the hearing or providing statements.
  8. To request that the Dean of Students assist in obtaining information from the University that is pertinent to the charge(s).
  9. To have prior violations/resolutions of the Code excluded from review or consideration during the UHP’s determination of Responsibility for the present charge, unless it is presented to directly rebut claims of no prior misconduct or was discussed in relation to the outcome assigned by the Dean of Students Office. If a Charged Student or RSO is found Responsible, prior violations/resolutions of the Code may be considered when the Dean of Students Office or UHP is determining the Accountability
  10. To schedule a time to listen to the recording of the UHP proceedings. Only the University may record the UHP. No other forms of recording or transmission of the UHP proceeding is allowed.

In the event a Charged Student or RSO fails to attend an Administrative Conference/Hearing, the Dean of Students Office may proceed through the Accountability Process without the Charged Student or RSO in attendance. 

The UHP may proceed without the Charged Student or RSO in attendance. If the Dean of Students determines that the failure to appear is due to compelling circumstances, the UHP may be rescheduled

A Complainant has the following rights: 

  1. To have any and all rights of a Charged Student or RSO under Section 1, including the right to Appeal, extended to a Complainant in cases of Endangerment, Harassment, Hazing, Offensive Behavior, Retaliation, or Unauthorized Surveillance.
  2. To the extent allowed by law, the Complainant may be notified of the Outcome of the hearing.
  3. To use conference call, written statement, video, closed-circuit television, privacy screen or other measure for the Complainant’s safety or wellness when participating in an Accountability meeting or UHP. The Dean of Students Office may require that the Complainant respond in a specified format to reasonable questions requested by the Charged Student or RSO.
  4. To submit an Impact Statement for consideration by the Dean of Students Office and UHP during the Accountability Outcome phase of the UHP.

The Advisor's function shall be to provide support, guidance, and advice to the Student or RSO during any Accountability meeting or procedure.   

A Student charged with a violation of behavioral misconduct which carries a potential penalty of suspension or expulsion has the right to be represented, at the student's expense, by an advocate who may fully participate during any disciplinary proceeding. 

An RSO accused of a violation of behavioral misconduct has the right to be represented, at the RSO’s expense, by an advocate who may fully participate during any disciplinary proceeding. 

The Advisor to a Charged Student or RSO may “fully participate” in the Accountability Process by making opening and closing statements and examining and cross-examining the Case Manager, Hearing Officer, and/or Material Observers.   

The Dean of Students Office can assist in partnering a Student or RSO with a campus advisor that has been trained to provide support, guidance, and advice to students through the Accountability Process.

The Dean of Students Office may initiate these procedures on the basis of written allegations received from any source, including, without limitation, a student, faculty member, University employee, or law enforcement agency. The Dean of Students Office may also initiate these procedures in the absence of written allegations if the Dean of Students Office becomes aware, through other means, of potential misconduct committed by a Student or RSO. Upon receipt of allegations of misconduct, The Dean of Students Office will review the information and determine whether or not there is sufficient basis to initiate the Accountability Process.

The Dean of Students and/or designee(s) may impose Interim Measures prior to the conclusion of the Accountability Process related to an alleged violation upon reasonable belief that a Respondent’s continued presence on University-controlled property or at University-affiliated activities constitutes an immediate threat of harm to students, other individuals, or University premises. 

Interim Measures may vary depending on the nature of the alleged misconduct, status of Respondent, or other criteria and may include, without limitation, issuing a timely warning to the campus community, separating the parties, placing limitations on contact between the parties, interim suspension from Campus, or making alternative workplace, classroom, course scheduling, dining, or student housing arrangements. Interim Measures will be subject to the following procedures: 

  1. Written notice of the alleged violation and reasons for enacting the Interim Measure must be provided to the Respondent within seventy-two hours of determination of an immediate threat of harm to students, other individuals, or University premises.  
  2. Within seven business days of the written notice of Interim Measures, unless waived by the Respondent, an Interim Measures Hearing will be conducted to determine whether there is substantial evidence that the Respondent poses an immediate threat of harm to students, other individuals, or University premises and that the Interim Measures are appropriate to mitigate that risk. During such hearing, the Respondent and alleged victim (if applicable), may be represented by an Advisor. Such hearing will be conducted by the Dean of Students and at least one other designee. The Interim Measures Hearing may result in a continuance of, revocation of, and/or modification of the Interim Measures.   
    1. Respondents reinstated to the University following an interim suspension under this Section will be afforded the opportunity to make up academic work missed during the period the suspension was imposed. It is the responsibility of the Respondent to arrange with instructors for completing missed work. 
    2. In cases where interim suspension is upheld as a result of the Interim Measures Hearing, the suspension will remain in effect until a final outcome is reached through the Accountability Process.  
    3. If Respondent is unable to attend the Interim Measures Hearing, the Hearing shall move forward in absentia.

Coursework performed during the Accountability Process shall be considered conditional. Credit for such coursework may be affected, delayed, denied, and/or revoked based on a final finding of misconduct and/or a sanction imposed under this Code. In addition, subject to the other provisions of the Code, a delay in the granting of a degree or diploma may be imposed and/or a degree that was awarded prior to a final decision under the Code may be revoked. 

The Educational Conference is an informational meeting between the Case Manager and Respondent in which the following generally occurs:  

  1. The Case Manager informs the Respondent about the allegations made against the Respondent and, if requested by the Respondent, provides the Respondent with a reasonable opportunity to review the complaint. 
  2. The Case Manager provides the Respondent with an opportunity to respond to the allegations, including without limitation, an opportunity to present information concerning the allegations and identify witnesses whom the Respondent believes should be interviewed by the Case Manager to obtain additional information. 
  3. Both the Case Manager and Respondent may ask questions of each other and seek clarifying information about the allegations, the possible outcome(s), and the Accountability Process. 
  4. Based on the information provided by the Respondent during the Educational Conference, the Coordinator may issue a no-action determination or continue gathering information in order to determine if there is sufficient information to move forward with formal charges of Section 10 of this Code. 
  5. If a Respondent fails to attend an Educational Conference, the Case Manager may email the Respondent a recommendation for an Informal Resolution as outlined in Section 8.1. 

An Informal Resolution is an agreement to resolve allegations against the Respondent without engaging in the formal charge process.  Informal Resolution is voluntary and participation in Informal Resolution must be by agreement of the Case Manager and a Student or RSO.  To be valid, an informal Resolution Agreement must be signed by the Case Manager and the Respondent and include a waiver of the Respondent’s right, if any, to have an Administrative Conference/Hearing or University Hearing Panel on the allegations.  If the Case Manager and Student or RSO agree, a matter may be resolved by Informal Resolution at any time during the Accountability Process before an Outcome is issued.  

  1. Following an Educational Conference, the Case Manager will email the Respondent a written offer for an Informal Resolution. The proposal will indicate a deadline for accepting the recommendation in writing. 
  2. If accepted, the Informal Resolution will be implemented. As part of accepting an Informal Resolution, the student will waive all rights to a formal process. The Respondent may not revoke or appeal an Informal Resolution.
  3. If the Respondent declines the offer for an Informal Resolution, or does not respond to the offer, the case will be forwarded to an Administrative Conference/Hearing or University Hearing Panel. 
  4. An Informal Resolution will not be considered part of a Student’s permanent record and therefore will not be shared with any external requesting agency, unless required to do so by federal and/or state law, or in the case of suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation. A record of an Informal Resolution will be shared within the Dean of Student Office and any future UHP in order to determine appropriate future Informal Resolution or UHP Outcome. An Informal Resolution may be shared with a University department to determine eligibility for certain University programs, scholarships, student organization officer requirements, or activities.

An Administrative Conference is a formal hearing in which a Hearing Officer determines academic and/or non-academic violations of this Code using the Preponderance of the Information Standard (more likely than not) and assigns appropriate outcomes (Section 11).  The procedures for an Administrative Conference are as follows:  

  1. The Case Manager investigates the alleged misconduct, which may include gathering relevant information and interviewing Material Observers. This information will then be provided to the Hearing Officer to hold an Administrative Conference/Hearing. The Hearing Officer will make an initial determination whether the Respondent violated the Code, and if so, what outcome(s) to impose. 
  2. The Hearing Officer will send a Notice of Administrative Conference to the Respondent. This notice will include the following (at minimum):
    1. The Section 10 policies which are alleged to have been violated;
    2. Any documentation which was reviewed in determining the alleged policy violations;
    3. The date, time, and location where the Administrative Conference will be held;
    4. Rights & responsibilities of the Respondent as defined in this Code. 
  3. During the Administrative Conference, the Respondent may be represented by their choice of advisor as outlined in Section 6.6 of this Code. 
  4. The Respondent will be provided an opportunity to give a presentation of information as well as present witnesses with relevant information pertaining to the alleged policy violations. The Hearing Officer will be permitted to ask questions of the Respondent.
  5. At the conclusion of the Administrative Conference, the Hearing Officer will issue a verbal determination of any policy violation(s) as well as appropriate outcomes.
  6. A formal Notice of Outcome will be emailed to the Respondent within one business day. This notice will include the determination as given verbally by the Hearing Officer, the Hearing Officer’s explanation of how preponderance was met for any responsible policy violation(s), and what factors were considered in issuing appropriate outcomes. 
  7. The Administrative Conference determination may be appealed within ten business days of the Notice of Outcome as outlined in Section 11. 
  8. An Administrative Conference may not be used in cases where suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation is a possible outcome. This will be evaluated by the Hearing Officer. 

A University Hearing Panel will convene in cases where suspension or expulsion are possible. A University Hearing Panel may also be used for other cases at the discretion of the Dean of Students Office. 

Six faculty members will serve as voting members on the UHP; two from the College of Arts and Sciences (one from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and one from the School of Mathematics and Sciences), one from the College of Business, two from the College of Education and Human Development (one from the School of Education and one from the School of Human Sciences), and one from the library.  Faculty members shall be recommended by the Faculty Senate to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for appointment to the UHP.  Faculty members must be in either tenured or tenure track positions and in good standing with the University to serve on the UHP.  UHP members will serve five-year terms and may be reappointed for additional terms. 

Should UHP members be unable to attend a hearing, individuals in the alternate pool may serve as substitutes on an as needed basis.  The alternate UHP pool will consist of six faculty members, two from the College of Arts and Sciences (one from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and one from the School of Mathematics and Sciences), one from the College of Business, two from the College of Education and Human Development (one from the School of Education and one from the School of Human Sciences), and one from the library.  Faculty members shall be recommended by the Faculty Senate to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for appointment to the UHP alternate pool.  Faculty members must be in either tenured or tenure track positions and in good standing with the University to serve on the UHP alternate pool.  Alternate UHP members will serve five-year terms and may be reappointed for additional terms.

  1. Three voting members of the UHP shall constitute a quorum. The UHP can be comprised of a maximum of six voting members. One panel member will serve as the panel chair.
  2. When, in the judgment of the Dean of Students, the subject matter of a proceeding makes it advisable to request the participation of an individual with special knowledge or technical expertise, the Dean of Students may appoint such persons to serve as a witness. This person will serve as a resource and may provide relevant information during the hearing.
  3. In cases involving academic misconduct, the charged student’s complete academic record will be available for review by UHP members.
  4. UHP members are required to attend specialized training prior to hearing referrals involving allegations of sexual misconduct.
  5. UHP members with direct supervisory power over an accused student must recuse themselves from the hearing.
  6. In cases involving more than one Respondent, a separate UHP concerning each Respondent’s conduct may be conducted upon written request of a Respondent submitted at least five days prior to the scheduled UHP. The Dean of Students Office has the discretion to make the final determination of whether to grant such a request and will notify the Respondents of the decision. 

Prior to the UHP, the following steps will be taken: 

  1. The Dean of Students Office will send a Notice of University Hearing Panel to the Respondent’s LSUS email address. This notice will include: 
  1. The specific University policy or provision of Section 10 which the Respondent is alleged to have violated; 
  2. Any documentation which was reviewed in determining the alleged policy violation; 
  1. The date, time, and location where the University Hearing Panel will be held, which shall be no less than seven business days from the date of the notice; 
  1. A link for electronic access to the University’s administrative file (“Hearing Packet”) for the case; 
  1. The names of all Material Observers requested to present information during the hearing; 
  1. The names of panelists serving as voting members for the hearing; and 
  1. A notice of Respondent’s rights as outlined in this Code, including the right to be represented by an Advisor.

B. At least five business days prior to the UHP, the Respondent must provide, in writing to the Dean of Students Office, the following: 

  1. The name of their Advisor, if any, who will attend the UHP; 
  1. The names of all Material Observers and a brief summary of the information that they reasonably anticipate the Material Observer will provide to the UHP; and 
  1. A copy of all tangible or electronic information that they plan to present to the UHP (including without limitation, witness statements, video or audio recordings, photographs, text messages, phone records, medical bills, diagrams).

 C. The Respondent may request recusal of a UHP panel member on good cause shown. Any request for recusal of a panel member must be made in writing at least five business days prior to the scheduled UHP and must include an explanation of why the member of the UHP should be precluded from participating.  The decision to exclude any UHP member shall be at the sole discretion of the Dean of Students.

D. The Respondent is responsible for contacting Material Observers who were not identified in the Notice of University Hearing Panel, informing them about the date, time, and place of the UHP, and securing their attendance at the UHP. 

E. The Respondent is responsible for contacting the Dean of Students Office  to arrange a time to review the hearing documents prior to the hearing if such a review is desired. A physical copy of all hearing documents will be made available to the Respondent upon request.

The following procedures will apply to the UHP: 

  1. The UHP Chairperson is responsible for maintaining order of the UHP. The UHP Chairperson is authorized to remove any individual from a hearing, including an Advisor, who is disruptive, unruly or who fails to comply with the procedures in this Code or the directions of the UHP Chairperson.  
  2. Attendance during the UHP is limited to members of the UHP, the Dean of Students or designee, Respondent and the Respondent’s advisor(s), Material Observers, and a representative from the Office of Legal Affairs and General Counsel. The Dean of Students and Material Observers may only attend the UHP while presenting information to the UHP.  Participation in the UHP by relevant parties is encouraged, but not mandatory. The Dean of Students or designee is present to guide the procedure and may only participate to provide procedural guidance.
  3. The Dean of Students Office reserves the right to conduct a UHP, or have individuals participate in a UHP, via electronic means (i.e., Zoom or Microsoft Teams). The use of electronic means for a UHP is solely within the discretion of the Dean of Students Office.
  4. Formal rules of process, procedure, and/or technical rules of evidence, such as those applied in criminal or civil court, are not used in UHP hearings. The UHP Chair will decide all procedural questions that arise during a UHP and may consult with a representative from the Office of Legal Affairs and General Counsel for assistance in resolving procedural questions fairly and in accordance with the Code. 
  5. Whenever possible, a Material Observer will present oral instead of written statements. Oral statements, written statements, previously written memoranda, letters, or other written materials may be presented at a hearing even if the Material Observer is not present and the ability to question the Material Observer was not possible at the time the written materials were prepared. The UHP may require the Charged Student or RSO to present questions in
  6. At the hearing, the UHP shall make a good-faith effort to include relevant evidence and exclude evidence that is neither relevant nor probative. Information that may be excluded at the UHP may include irrelevant information; cumulative information, or information that unreasonably repeats information already provided to the UHP; information and/or Material Observers that were not disclosed in advance of the UHP; or information that is protected from disclosure (e.g., privileged documents or internal memoranda).  The UHP Chair is the final decision-maker as to the admission of information at the UHP.
  7. Material Observers will provide information directly to the UHP. The panel members, and Respondent/Respondent’s advisor will have the opportunity to question each Material Observer. The Chairperson has the discretion to deny questions that are not relevant to the alleged policy violations, do not maintain the educational tone of the hearing, and/or create an adversarial environment. 
  8. If the Respondent fails to attend a UHP, the UHP will proceed without the Respondent’s participation and the Respondent will be bound to all decisions made during the UHP, including, without limitation, decisions concerning responsibility for alleged violations; and any Outcome(s) imposed because of those violations. 
  9. Deliberations by the UHP will be closed to the members of the UHP and a representative from the Office of Legal Affairs and General Counsel.  Responsibility will be determined using a standard of a preponderance of information, or more likely than not. A majority vote of the panel members is required for a decision. 
  10. When the UHP determines that the Respondent violated a policy within this Code, the panel members will also determine appropriate Outcome(s) by majority vote. No past violation of this Code may be introduced or considered in the deliberation of responsibility for a charge unless presented to directly rebut claims by the Respondent of no prior misconduct. However, if a Respondent is found by the UHP to be Responsible for any violation of this Code, record of any past violation or Informal Resolution may be considered by the UHP in determining appropriate Outcome(s).
  11. The UHP will verbally notify the Respondent of its decision and Outcome(s) imposed, if any, at the conclusion of the hearing. A written Notice of Outcome will be emailed to the Respondent within one business day. This notice will include:
  1. Determination of responsibility for each charge policy violation, if any; 
  1. The panel’s rationale for the determination and a brief summary of the information upon which the UHP relied in making its decision; 
  1. The Outcome(s) the UHP has imposed on the Respondent, if any; and 
  1. Information about the Respondent’s right to appeal the UHP decision. 

L. The University will record the hearing and the recording shall serve as the official record of the UHP. UHP deliberations are not recorded.  Neither the Respondent nor any other participant in the UHP may record the hearing. The University will provide a copy of the recording to the Respondent upon request.  

UHP Procedures

  • Introduction of Parties 
  • Review of Charges 
    • Respondent’s response to charges (regarding responsibility) 
  • Respondent’s Opening Statement 
  • Dean of Students or designee’s Presentation of Information
    • Questions from the panel to the Dean of Students or designee  
    • Questions from the Respondent to the Dean of Students or designee  
  • Respondent’s Presentation of Information 
    • Questions from the panel to the Respondent 
  • Material Observer’s Presentation of Information (repeat as needed) 
    • Questions from the panel to the Material Observer 
    • Questions from the Respondent to the Material Observer 
  • Final Questions from the panel for any party 
  • Respondent’s Closing Statement 
  • UHP Deliberation (closed session) 
  • Determination of Policy Violations (verbally given) 
  • Presentation of Prior Conduct Violations and/or Informal Resolutions (if any) 
  • Respondent’s presentation of mitigating factors and/or character statements 
  • UHP Deliberation (closed session) 
  • Verbal Delivery of Outcome(s) imposed by the UHP 
  • UHP is Adjourned 
  • Written Notice of Outcome Emailed to Respondent within 1 business day 

High standards of academic integrity are crucial for the University to fulfill its educational mission. To uphold these standards, procedures have been established to address Academic Misconduct. A Student is responsible for submitting work for evaluation that reflects the Student’s performance. If a Student has a question regarding the Instructor’s expectations for assignments, projects, tests, or other items submitted for a grade, it is the Student’s responsibility to seek clarification from the Instructor. 

An Instructor may not assign a disciplinary grade, such as an "F" or zero on an assignment, test examination, or course as a sanction for admitted or suspected Academic Misconduct in lieu of referring the Student to the Dean of Students under the provisions of this Code. Any grade assigned because of Academic Misconduct must be in accordance with this Code. 

A Student found Responsible for Academic Misconduct may NOT drop the course in which the violation occurred. Any Student who drops the course without written permission from the Dean of Students Office will be re-enrolled in the class and then given the appropriate grade as provided in the Outcome. 

A Student may be charged with Academic Misconduct for the following acts or omissions: 

  1. Unauthorized communication or interaction between two or more individuals on any academic work by giving, receiving, or otherwise sharing information without permission of the Instructor.
  2. Copying from another Student's academic work; assisting with copying by making answers or other completed assignments available, in whole or part, to another Student, whether or not the recipient’s intentions to copy were known to the Student prior to the sharing.
  3. Failure to Follow Course Requirements. Failure to adhere to standards of conduct for academic integrity that are promulgated by an academic unit or instructor.
  4. False Information. Falsifying or fabricating any information, data, or citation in any academic work including but not limited to documents intended to support medical excuses or absence from class or academic work.
  5. Misleading an Instructor as to the condition under which the work was prepared including, but not limited to, substituting for another Student or permitting another person to substitute for oneself on any academic work.
  6. Other Academic Misconduct. Attempting to commit or assisting someone in the commission or attempted commission of an offense defined in this section, or any other act that may create an unfair academic advantage.
  7. Lack of appropriate citation, or the unacknowledged use of someone else's words, structure, ideas, or data; failure to identify a source, or the submission of essentially the same work for two assignments without permission of the Instructor.
  8. Unauthorized Materials. Using any material, technique or device on an academic assignment that is prohibited; having any forbidden or unauthorized material, technique or device available on any academic work will be considered a violation.

A Student or RSO may be charged with Behavioral Misconduct for any of the following acts or omissions:

  1. Unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, delivery, or sale of alcohol and/or public intoxication; consumption that endangers oneself; or operating a vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol.
  2. Coercive Behavior. An act by an individual or a group that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization, regardless of consent, which tends to or which is intended to demean, disgrace, humiliate or degrade a Student, which includes but not limited to forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment, or other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of a Student. Examples of coercive behavior include, but are not limited to, line-ups, scavenger hunts and personal servitude. 
  3. Attempting to commit, knowingly permitting, encouraging, or assisting others with the commission or attempted commission of any act, omission or conduct prohibited under this Code. 
  4. Computer Misuse. Unauthorized access or entry into a computer, computer system, network, software, or data; alteration of computer equipment, software, network or data; failing to comply with laws, license agreements, and contracts governing network, software and hardware use; using University computing resources for prohibited activities; using University computing resources for unauthorized solicitation or commercial purposes or any violation of LSU computer 
  5. Disorderly Conduct. Behavior that impairs or interferes with the orderly functions or processes of the University or the reasonable safety or security of other persons. 
  6. Disruption/Obstruction. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, Accountability proceeding, or other University activities and/or the performance of duties of University personnel or 
  7. Possession, use, public intoxication, sharing, furnishing or distribution of illegal drugs, intoxicants, controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, prescription medication contrary to a valid prescription, or operating a vehicle while under the influence of drug(s). 
  8. Physical abuse or force against oneself, another individual, or group, or the reasonable apprehension or threat of such harm; conduct that endangers the health, safety, or well-being of oneself or another person or group. 
  9. Failure to Comply. Defying the order or instruction of a University official, other authorized person on behalf of the University or any University policy, contract, mandate or 
  10. False Information. Providing false information to a law enforcement officer, to the University or a University official, or making an intentional or reckless misrepresentation which creates an unfair advantage or is reasonably likely to damage, mistreat or harm another. 
  11. Forgery. Altering, falsifying, or otherwise misrepresenting documents to the University or relating to any University official or office.
  12. Harrassment. Repeated, persistent, severe, or pervasive action directed toward a specific individual or individuals with the intent or effect to harass, harm, or alarm, through oral, written, graphic, physical, or social media contact. Harassment includes attempted or threatened physical contact or an act that creates the reasonable apprehension of unwanted contact, or any repeated pattern of verbal communications or nonverbal behavior, without invitation or over an individual’s objection, which includes but is not limited to making telephone calls, emails, electronic communications, or sending letters or pictures. 
  13. Hazing means an act by an individual or a group that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization, regardless of consent: 
  1. Endangers the physical health or safety of a person or would cause a reasonable person severe emotional distress;
  2. Results in the destruction or removal of public or private property;
  3. Involves the consumption of alcohol or drugs;
  4. Involves the consumption of substances to excess or placement of substances on the body;
  5. Involves sexual activity;
  6. Involves violation of federal, state or local law or University policy; or
  7. Disrupts the academic performance or class attendance of a

 It is not a defense to a charge of hazing that (i) the consent of the person had been obtained; (ii) the conduct or activity that resulted in the death or injury of a person was not part of an official organizational event or was not otherwise sanctioned or approved by the organization; or (iii) the conduct or activity that resulted in death or injury of the person was not done as a condition of membership to an organization.

The following is a non-exclusive list of examples of acts which, regardless of severity, constitute hazing:

  • Physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, paddling, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
  • Physical activities, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements or extreme conditions, imprisonment, confinement, or calisthenics;
  • Consumption of food, liquid, or any other substance, including but not limited to alcoholic beverages or drugs, that subjects the person to an unreasonable risk of harm or that may adversely affect the physical health or safety of the person;
  • Placement of substances on the body of a person;
  • Kidnapping or dropping a person off campus without return transportation;
  • Activity that induces, causes, or requires an individual to perform a duty or task that involves the commission of a crime or an act of

N. Identity Misuse. Illegal or unauthorized use of an identification card, password, access code or number; including, but not limited to permitting another Student or non-Student to use a University or government-issued identification card; alteration or sale of an identification

O. Improper Sales & Solicitation. Unauthorized or prohibited solicitation, sale, fundraising, canvassing, distribution or posting of any written material, email, web, or printed material, including but not limited to any offer to sell or purchase an identification card for improper use or any offer to sell or purchase academic materials which, if used, would result in academic misconduct.

P. Property Intentional or reckless destruction, defacement or damage to University property or to the property of any individual or group.

Q. Residential Life. Violating, attempting to violate, or assisting the violation of any contract, rule, policy, and/or handbook of the Department of Residential

R. Any acts or attempted acts against an individual for the purpose of discouraging and/or exercising right(s) of an individual under the Code.

S. Safety Violations. Tampering with or unapproved activation of any safety equipment and/or warning system; setting or causing a fire on Campus; engaging in dangerous activities contrary to posted or verbal

T. Repeated, unwanted conduct toward or contact with another individual, including but not limited to, following someone, lying in wait, persistent presence around an individual, contacting an individual verbally, electronically, via social media or third party over the individual’s objection, or threats to an individual or to the individual’s family, friends or property, that would cause a reasonable person fear or substantial emotional distress.

U. Using, depriving, removing or possessing the property and/or services of the University or another individual without entitlement or authorization.

V. Unauthorized entry or use of any property or  facility.

W. Unauthorized Surveillance. Creating, making, possessing, storing, sharing, or distributing unauthorized video, digital, or photographic images of a person taken in a location in which that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

X.Violating a Rule of the University. Violating, attempting to violate, or assisting in the violation of any contract, rule, policy, bylaw, and/or regulation of the

Y. Possession on one’s person, which includes any bag, case, container, purse, clothing or backpack and/or use of any weapon, defined as any object used or designed to inflict or attempt to inflict harm or injury or fear of harm or injury. Weapons include, but are not limited to firearms, facsimile guns, air guns, knives, explosives, any dangerous chemical or biological agent or any other object or material capable of causing harm and used by the offending person to inflict or attempt to inflict fear, harm or injury.

The Accountability process intentionally uses Outcomes to encourage positive change and developmental growth and to protect persons, property and the integrity of the University. A Student will receive notice of assigned Outcomes in writing via University email, along with specific conditions required for successful completion. 

A Hearing Officer or UHP may consider aggravating or mitigating factors when issuing an Outcome.  Violations of the Code that are motivated by prejudice toward a person or group because of factors that include, but are not limited to, race, creed, color, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status may be assessed an enhanced Outcome.

The Hearing Officer, Dean of Students, or UHP may delay registration for classes or withhold the issuance of an official transcript, grade, diploma, or degree to a Student alleged to have violated a rule or regulation of the University who has not completed an Outcome, Informal Resolution, or has failed to respond to a Dean of Students Office directive.

The following Student Status Outcomes may be imposed or instituted by the University for any violation of this Code or Informal Resolution: 

  1. A written warning issued to a Student or RSO. This will be in effect for a specified time period and will not be recorded on the Student’s academic transcript except in cases of Academic Misconduct. A Warning may include an Accountability Outcome. 
  2. Disciplinary Probation. Disciplinary Probation is a status for a specified period of time during which any further violation of the Code, University policy, or Informal Resolutions jeopardizes the status of the Student or RSO with the University.
  1. Disciplinary Probation without restriction would allow Students to participate in Student organization leadership, intramurals, study abroad programs, or other specified co-curricular  activities.
  1. Disciplinary Probation with restriction includes loss of privileges. For Students, inability to hold a position of leadership in an RSO, exclusion from participation in intramurals, exclusion from LSU study abroad programs, or restriction of other representation of the University. 
  1. Disciplinary Probation will not be recorded on the Student’s academic transcript except in cases of Academic Misconduct. 
  1. Disciplinary Probation for an RSO may include, but is not limited to, loss or limitation of social events or inability to participate in University events or activities.

 C. Suspension is the physical separation of a Student or RSO from the University for a specified period of time. 

  1. A Student suspended from the University may be readmitted with approval of admissions, the degree-granting college and the Dean of Students Office.
  2. A Student suspended from the University may NOT be on Campus without specific written authorization by the Dean of Students Office.
  3. Suspension from the University will be recorded on the Student's academic transcript.
  4. An RSO that has completed a period of Suspension may seek reinstatement by complying with the registration requirements of the appropriate University department.

 D. Expulsion is the permanent separation of a Student from the University without the possibility of readmission. 

  1. A Student expelled from the University may not enter or remain on Campus without specific written authorization by the Dean of Students Office. 
  1. Expulsion will be recorded on the Student's academic transcript.

 E. Rescission of University Registration. A process whereby the University revokes the rights and privileges of an RSO.

  1. Educational Activities. Educational Activities may be assigned to a Student or RSO to encourage positive behavioral change and developmental growth. These include, but are not limited to, attendance/participation at educational programs, creation of documents, referral to a counselor or other health or wellness provider, completion of treatment recommendations made by a health or wellness provider, community service, Moodle Modules and provision of documents from court-ordered directives. Fees may be charged for Educational Activities related to a specific Outcome.
  2. Grade Impact. In situations involving Academic Misconduct, a Student may be assigned a failing grade for the work/assignment in question, may receive zero credit, no credit, or partial credit for the work in question, may have the overall class grade lowered by one letter, or may receive a failing grade for the course.
  3. No Contact Directive. A Student or RSO may be directed to cease all communication and contact with another Student, group of Students, Instructor or other University employee or other individual. Under a no contact directive, a Student may be prohibited from entering or remaining in or around a specified University building, facility or area of campus. This may also be issued as an interim measure in limited circumstances where it has been determined that a Student or RSO may be a threat or harm to others.
  4. A Student or RSO may be required to pay for damage to property, for personal injury expenses and/or other expenses. Payment will be made under the stipulations determined by the Dean of Students Office or a UHP.
  5. Restrictions may be imposed as an Outcome for any Student on Warning, Disciplinary Probation, Suspension, Interim Suspension and/or Expulsion. Restrictions include, but are not limited to, loss of privileges, removal from residential facilities, inability to hold a position of leadership in an RSO, restriction from intramurals, restriction from LSU study abroad programs, or restriction of other representation of the University, and limitations to entering or being present in specific campus locations. Restrictions may be imposed as an Outcome for an RSO on any Accountability status. These restrictions may include, but are not limited to, limitations or restrictions on social or philanthropic events, ability to host or participate in events or other restrictions as may be identified by the Case Manager or UHP. For Students in Residential Life, restrictions may include, but are not limited to, limitations to entering or being present within Residential Life communities; loss of guest privileges within Residential Life communities; relocation of housing assignment to a different community; and removal from housing assignment.
  6. Revocation of Degree or Diploma. Revocation of any degree and withdrawal of the diploma may be imposed when the violation is related to the integrity of any academic credit, work, service, or prerequisites required for the degree.

A Student or RSO may appeal a decision of either the Administrative Conference or University Hearing Panel. The appeal procedure provides the opportunity for questioning the appropriateness of the proceedings or outcome. The student or the RSO’s attorney or non-attorney advocate may submit an appeal.  Cases resolved through an Informal Resolution as outlined in Section 8.1 are not eligible for appeal. Any complainant entitled to be informed of outcomes may also appeal a hearing outcome.

An appeal will only be considered on the following grounds: 

  1. A significant departure from procedures, definitions or standards in the Code which reasonably could have had a material impact on the decision-making process during the Administrative Hearing/Conference or UHP;
  2. New information is now available which could not be obtained by the time of the Administrative Hearing/Conference or UHP, that would have had a substantial impact on the hearing determination of responsibility or appropriate outcomes;
  3. The determination of responsibility or outcome is the result of a substantial disregard of the information presented in the Administrative Conference/Hearing or UHP; and/or
  4. Substantiated bias or personal prejudice by a hearing officer or UHP panelist that precluded them from fairly and impartially hearing the case.

A written appeal must be submitted to the Dean of Students Office no later than ten business days after the Administrative Conference/Hearing Outcome or UHP Outcome is emailed to the Student, RSO, or Complainant (when permitted) or when new information becomes known to the student, RSO, or complainant. The appeal request must identify the specific actions or Outcomes being contested. All submissions must include at least one of the grounds identified in Section 11.4 as the basis for appeal and must include any supporting documentation to be considered on appeal.  (This may include police reports, transcripts, or the outcome of any civil or criminal proceeding directly related to the appeal.) The Dean of Students may request additional documentation from any involved party as needed. 

Appeals are heard by an academic Dean from one of the three colleges. Deans hear appeals on a rotating basis, but a Dean may not hear an appeal on a case involving a student from their college. Once the Dean receives the request for an appeal, the Outcome will be suspended until the appeal decision is issued. Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Dean of Students Office will submit a written position statement to the Dean within five business days. 

If the Dean determines that one of the above grounds has been met, one of the following may result: 

  1. the Administrative or UHP outcome is upheld;
  2. A new Administrative Hearing or University Hearing Panel is convened to correct the error; or
  3. The decision and/or Outcome is reversed or modified.

 The decision of the academic Dean on appeal is final and concludes the Accountability process. Any Outcome remaining at the conclusion of the appeal process will commence once the appeal decision is issued.

A student or RSO may seek review by the Chancellor. Review by the Chancellor is not an appeal; it is discretionary and may be declined at the sole discretion of the Chancellor. Any review by the Chancellor will be limited to the question of serious procedural errors or the abuse of discretionary authority by the UHP or academic Dean. The imposition of any outcome is not suspended pending a request for review by the Chancellor. A request for review by the Chancellor must: 

  • Be in writing and signed, formally or electronically, by the student or RSO requesting the review;
  • Be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office within five business days after receipt of the appeal decision;
  • Contain a complete statement of the alleged serious procedural errors or specific abuse of discretionary authority;
  • State the relief sought; and
  • Copy the request to the academic Dean.

Student conduct cases and records are education records of the University and are maintained by the Dean of Students Office. A Student may review and examine the Student’s own Accountability records. These records are generally not available for others to review except in accordance with law. Accountability records are maintained as follows: 

  • Files for suspensions, expulsions, and violent offenses are maintained indefinitely. All other files are maintained for at least seven years. At the end of the seven-year period, the files may be destroyed in accordance with the University’s record disposal policies.
  • Academic Misconduct, suspension, expulsion and/or any other Accountability action that separates the Student from the University is recorded on the Student's academic transcript maintained in the Office of the University Registrar unless otherwise stated in the Outcome.
  • Upon request, a notation on the Student’s academic transcript will be removed at the completion of the Outcome period, except in cases of a suspension or expulsion.
  • In cases of suspension, a Student may petition the Dean of Students Office in writing to have this notation removed from the academic transcript. At the discretion of the Dean of Students, this notation may be removed from the academic transcript; however, the conduct case record maintained in the Dean of Students Office will remain as provided in this Code. Typically, a Suspension notation will only be removed after the Student has returned to the University or the suspension has ended. 
  • A notation of expulsion or degree revocation from the University is never removed from a Student’s academic transcript.
  • RSO records are kept in accordance with guidelines for individual student records.