Office Hours
Monday- Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Staff Directory

Katie Baten, Director of Purchasing (buyer) -  - 318-797-5002
Angela Burton, Procurement Analyst 2 (buyer) - - 318-797-5272
Susan Gutierrez, Adminstrative Coordinator 4 - Property - - 318-797-5274
Kathi Garcie, Administrative Coordinator 3 - - 318-795-5912

For Assistance regarding the procurement of all goods, equipment, supplies, bulk commodities, professional and consulting services, public works projects, master contracts, state contracts, and other agreements, please contact:

Procurement Information & Quick Reference Links:

For Media and PR approval of branded items you're purchasing, utilize this approval form.

For Invoice/payment related inquires or banking/payment changes contact Accounts Payable & Travel:

For Assistance regarding supplier registration, supplier record status and changes, and other related matters, please visit: Supplier Registration

For LSUS employees, please visit the G drive for access to additional LSUS Purchasing procedures and tasks.

Property Control Forms

Property Transfer to Surplus Form
Form to be completed by the department when transferring property to Surplus. To include all movable property (Inventory Property & Non-Inventory Property). Forward completed form to Property Manager.

Transfer Between Departments Form
Form to be completed by the department when transferring movable property from one department to another.  Forward completed form to Property Manager.

Temporary Removal of Property Form
Form to be completed by the department for movable property that will be temporarily removed from campus.  Forward completed form to Property Manager.

Computer Surplus Request Form
A form for computers, laptops, and hard drives that will be sent to state surplus.  Email completed form to

Equipment Responsibility Form
Form to be completed by the Director/Department Head and signed by the employee that is responsible for equipment assigned to him/her (not mandatory)

Additional Property Information 

Property Management:  

"Movable" property refers to equipment not attached as a permanent part of a building. Property differs from supplies in that supplies are consumable through normal use in a year's time. Property owned by LSUS must be used only in the performance of University duties, cannot be exchanged, loaned, or borrowed, and must have signed authorization in place before being removed from campus for repairs or for use elsewhere. LSUS has procedures in place to keep up with all movable property.

Movable Property Inventory
State law requires that all movable property purchased by the State of Louisiana with an original acquisition cost of $1,000 or greater be placed on inventory. All weapons and ballistic vests must be placed on inventory, regardless of cost. 

Annual Inventory Certification
Each year the property control office conducts a physical inventory of every department's inventory. Each department chair is responsible for designating a property custodian to locate each piece of movable equipment on that department's inventory, and the department chair must certify the property is located in said place before the inventory is forwarded to the Property Manager. The procedures that are currently in place are designed to facilitate the annual inventory process. For information concerning LSUS Annual Inventory Process, please visit: Inventory Process

Repairs/Items leaving campus
Property custodians will coordinate with the Property Manager concerning equipment on inventory that must leave campus for repair or be taken off campus temporarily by an employee. A completed request for temporary removal of state property must be on file with the department's property custodian and a copy on file with the Property Manager.

Relinquishing Equipment
Unneeded property can be removed from a department by transfer of ownership to another department, by surplus to LPAA in Baton Rouge, by scrap/disposal, or by dismantle for parts. Each requires initiation by the department and action by the Property Manager. When computer equipment is being requested for surplus, there are additional steps required by the state that must be handled through LSUS IT Services. The department is responsible for initiating a request by a property transfer form to the Property Manager requesting action for the equipment. This form must be signed by the requesting department's property custodian and in the case of property transferred to another department, must also be signed by the receiving department. The form then must be forwarded to the Property Manager for action. The Property Manager will complete the necessary paperwork to transfer the item.

Stolen Items
Theft must always be reported as soon as possible to University Police. It is the responsibility of the department to obtain and forward a copy of the incident report to the Property Manager. State law requires that stolen items be carried on inventory for three additional years if University Police determines there has been no forced entry. In cases of forced entry, a request to remove the item from inventory must accompany the incident report that is sent to the Property Manager.

All donated items with a fair market value of $1,000 or greater must be reported to the Property Manager.

Non-tagged Equipment
Non-tagged equipment cannot be removed for scrap, transferred to surplus, or dismantled for parts without proper authorization from LPAA in Baton Rouge. This request must be initiated by the Property Manager and not by the individual departments.

Additional Property Management Links:


Property & Equipment Requirements


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