SHREVEPORT – More than 50 new LSUS students surrendered their final Friday of summer freedom to ensure they are prepared for their first week of college classes.

The incoming freshmen attended the US@LSUS student development event, which discussed many of the first-week roadblocks that students face.

“We want to make sure that students can log in to their email, can access their classes on Moodle, can find their classes and which buildings they are in,” said Jessica Bato, operations coordinator in the LSUS Student Success Center. “We don’t want them to panic on the first day of school.”

Students were introduced to the numerous resources available on campus to assist with their transition to college.

Freshmen learned about navigation of important platforms like myLSUS and Moodle, how to find tutors, campus and local jobs and student organizations among a variety of topics and advice new students need.

“It’s perfectly normal to feel excited and uncertain about starting college, along with a range of other emotions that you’re probably feeling,” Dr. Paula Atkins, Dean of Students at LSUS, told the assembled group. “We want to let you know that we’re here to help you through those things.

“We want to build on your excitement and diminish some of those uncertainties and anxieties by introducing you to us, to your fellow students and to the resources available on this campus.”

Shreveport native Lola Carrel said the event did alleviate some of her first-day stress.

“Learning how to access email and Moodle before the first day of class is very helpful,” said Carrel, a Byrd High graduate. “I’ve been able to meet a few people.

“It’s helped me be more comfortable on my first day.”

Representatives from every college and nearly every department participated in the event, which included training sessions and culminated with a campus-wide scavenger hunt and barbecue.

Chancellor Robert Smith interacted with students and their families throughout the afternoon, offering encouragement as a fellow newbie to the school.

“You and I have something in common – we are new to LSU Shreveport,” Smith said. “I’ve been here six weeks, and you’ve selected an outstanding university.

“We’re going to work you – college is a challenge. But you will have lots and lots of support. We have chosen you to be a part of the Class of 2027 specifically because we felt you have what it takes to succeed.”

Classes started Monday, which kicked off a full slate of Week of Welcome activities to further encourage social bonding among students.